
Chess News
  1. The long Portuguese chess summer has begun with the national league. AX Gaia won with aplomb. The championship and the battle to stay in the league would have been more exciting if two double rounds had not ensured that the decisions were made at midnight. Our Lisbon correspondent Stefan Löffler reports. | Pictured: Estrelas São João de Brito | Photos: Dominic Cross / Portuguese Chess Federation
  2. Hector Guifarro had a troubled childhood. At the age of 19, he "made a bad choice" which landed him in prison. Chess was his way out. This is his story. Guifarro remarked: "Prison is where I found the game of chess. It kept me out of trouble. It built my confidence and made me believe in myself". | Photo: Stev Bonhage
  3. The final round of the US Senior and Junior Championships was played yesterday at the Saint Louis Chess Club. Vladimir Akopian (pictured) won the US Senior Championship with a round to spare, while Christoper Yoo and Alice Lee won the US Junior Championships. | Photo: Lennart Ootes / Saint Louis Chess Club
  4. The strongest junior and senior chess players in the United States have returned to Saint Louis. On July 16-26, the top 10 players across three divisions - juniors, girls, and seniors - are competing for more than $135,000 in prizes. | Follow all the games live with expert commentary, starting at 20.00 CEST (14.00 ET, 23.30 IST)
  5. Last week we showed you some chess puzzles of a different kind – some were quite easy, some pretty hard. They were at least most entertaining, bringing smiles to our faces. Today we show you the solutions, and video of a strong chess player solving the problems in real time.
  6. Here are some chess puzzles of a different kind. Some of you might find them very easy, some quite hard. They are at least most entertaining and should bring smiles to your face. Tell us which ones you could master. Next week we will give you the solutions – and show you a video of a strong chess player solving the problems live.
  7. In our previous section on how playing chess may affect your life, we asked our readers to guess whether chess players could expect to live longer or shorter lives, on average, than the rest of the non-chess people surrounding them. Today in the final section of the series, Frederic Friedel and Christian Hesse present some statistical results on this question.
  8. The ChessBase board in itself is a vast paradise of various options! Here we are going to show you some of the key features that can help you in your analysis of a position. Some of you may not have “discovered” them yet, and many might find them useful in your study of games. Take a look – and don't miss your chance to get the software in our Summer Special week!
  9. Why is the rook’s pawn called the "worst enemy of the knight"? How do you make best use of the "Knight Check Shadow" and when should you enter the "Karpov Distance"? In the new ChessBase Magazine #219, Karsten Mueller shows you the most important techniques in the endgame with knight against pawn(s) in part #9 of his series "Fundamental Endgame Knowledge". Take the chance and test your technique in two interactive training videos in this week’s CBM reading sample. Have fun!
  10. He was the coach of the USSR Youth National team from the mid-60s, until the collapse of the Soviet Union – a driving force behind the great generations of Soviet chess, but always in the shadow. On 30 April Anatoly Awraamowitsch Bykhovsky celebrates his 90th birthday. Chess Trainer Adrian Mykhalchyshyn describes the career of the man who helped created the chess zenith of the USSR.